Ponder These Things

Mary kept all these things Luke 2:19
  I call this song my response to "Mary Did You Know," which is a beautiful song, but always leaves me saying, Yes, Mary knew! I don't believe that she knew that Jesus would walk on water, or other little details, but she knew who her son was! After all, she had an angel come and tell her that she had been chosen for a special purpose. That's kind of hard to forget!

 I'm sure if Mary ever had doubts, she would just look back to that day, and know in her heart that Jesus was special, that he had come to earth for a purpose. Just as she had on the day of his birth, I think there were many times that Mary pondered these things and kept them in her heart. I know that the Bible doesn't specifically say that she prayed, but I have to believe that given her circumstances she kept in very close touch with the Father of her child.

  I really can't fathom what it must have been like to be Mary, and to have the knowledge that her child was the Son of God. On the one hand she must have felt that it was such an honor, but at the same time, as a mother, there must have been times she wished her son didn't have to be the one!
  So with all those thoughts, and many more, that is how I came to write this song.

© Deborah Bolack
 Arrangement & Piano Apryl (Penner) Jennings
Grafted In

Christ, the babe was born,
and in a lowly manger lay.
The angels sang, the shepherds praised,
but Mary pondered these things and prayed.
Christ the Lord healed men,
and in their hearts he sought for faith.
The people cheered, the leaders raged,
but Mary pondered these things and prayed.
For Mary knew the Son she bore
had come to earth to do much more.
She did not know just what would be,
but in her heart she kept these things.
Though so hard to understand,
she knew his Father had a plan.
One day Jesus would be King,
and to that hope her soul would cling.
Christ was crucified,
and in a cold dark tomb he lay.
The women wept, his small flock strayed,
but Mary pondered these things and prayed.
Christ the Lord arose,
and in his hands, his wounds displayed.
The men gave praise; they were amazed,
but Mary pondered these things and prayed.
For Mary knew the Son she bore,
had come to earth to do much more.
She did not know just what would be,
but in her heart she kept these things.
Though so hard to understand,
she knew his Father had a plan.
One day Jesus would be King,
and to that hope her soul would cling.
Christ was taken up,
and in the clouds he went away.
The heavens rang, men stood and gazed,
but Mary pondered these things and prayed.
Christ is calling you,
and in your heart he'll come to stay.
The Spirit draws, the Saviour waits.
Oh, won't you ponder these things and pray,
and make him your King today!

Luke 2: 1-20

19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

Luke 13: 11-17
Luke 23:46-56
John 20:10-20
Acts 1:9-11

Thank you for visiting Lyric Devotions. A free pdf of the sheet music is available for most songs. Requests can be made through the contact form on the sidebar. 


  1. This song is wonderful. Stopping by to think about how marvelous the love of Jesus is.

  2. Thank you! I don’t check comments very often, so just saw this, almost a year later! Have a wonderful Christmas. 😊


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