
   I came from a big family, and we didn’t have a lot of money, but Mom and Dad always made sure we had lots of gifts at Christmas. With our own kids, presents are still a big part of our celebrations, and each year we have done different things in preparation for the Christmas season, such as baking cookies to give away, decorating gingerbread houses for center pieces, and some years we have given out the story of how the candy cane represents Jesus and salvation.
Hanging up the sparkling lights around our manger scene

  But the most important thing to us is to instill in our children the true meaning of Christmas. We have done this by keeping certain traditions each year. Early in December we begin playing Christmas carols. The center of our decorations has always been a manger scene, depicting the birth of Christ. The one thing that has never changed is all of us sitting together, reading from the Bible, the account of Jesus’ birth.

This song is written from my perspective, but since it was young people who recorded it, they changed it to the kids perspective. The 'Mom' who was always first to wake is me! Every year I get up before all the kids; I get the Christmas lights turned on and play some soft music. I'm usually sitting with my cup of coffee by the time they wander out. My husband laughs at me, and says I'm the biggest kid! The Dad who always reads the Christmas story is, my husband (not my dad!)

(pease wait for song to load)

©Deborah Bolack 2005
Arrangement & Piano Apryl (Penner) Jennings
Grafted In

Hanging up the sparkling lights around our manger scene,
to show the birth of Jesus is what Christmas truly means,
was our tradition every year, to give God all the glory.
Songs of Jesus coming retold the Christmas story.
Gingerbread and candy canes,
cookies baked to give away,
singing carols, Christmas plays,
gifts and going to Grandma’s place;
while some traditions come and go, others we hold dear.
We cherish all the memories we’ve created through the years.
Mom was always first to wake, but soon the kids would rouse.
We’d snuggle under blankets, as we gathered all around.
This one tradition never changed, for every Christmas morning,
Dad would take his Bible, and read the Christmas story.
Gingerbread and candy canes,
cookies baked to give away,
singing carols, Christmas plays,
gifts and going to Grandma’s place;
while some traditions come and go, others we hold dear.
We cherish all the memories we’ve created through the years.

while some traditions come and go, others we hold dear.
We cherish all the memories we've created through the years.

Mom was always first to wake Christmas morning

2 Thessalonians 2:15 “Therefore, brethren stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
Luke 2:1-19

Thank you for visiting Lyric Devotions. A free pdf of the sheet music is available for most songs. Requests can be made through the contact form on the sidebar. 


  1. I just love this place to come and all the songs I had time to listen to were very good and meant a lot to me. Thanks, connie

  2. This is so beautiful! Thank you, Deb!

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Kathi! Glad you enjoyed it.


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