Abba Father

Galatians 4:6

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©Deborah Bolack 2001

Abba Father, Abba Father, my heart cries unto thee
Abba Father, Abba Father, you alone hear my plea.
When I don’t have the words to say, you know my every need.
When I don’t know just how to pray, your Spirit intercedes.
Abba Father, Abba Father, my heart cries unto thee.
Abba Father, Abba Father, you alone hear my plea.
When I can’t seem to find my way, you draw me to your side.
When I reach out in childlike faith, your Spirit always guides.
Abba Father, Abba Father, my heart cries unto thee.
Abba Father, Abba Father, you alone hear my plea.
When I am burdened down with care, you gently comfort me.
When I surrender all in prayer, your Spirit gives sweet peace.
Abba Father, Abba Father, my heart cries unto thee.
Abba Father, Abba Father, you alone hear my plea.
You alone hear my plea.

Galatians 4:6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

Romans 8:26,27 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

There are so many times when I really don’t know just how to pray or what I should pray for. All I know is that I want God’s way and will in my life, and in the lives of those I love. It’s such a comfort to know that I can go to God in silence, and he will search my heart and his Spirit will make intercession for me.


  1. good blog Ms. Deborah! Im just new here in your abode but I was inspired to write songs more and Im planning to make some christian songs. I hope I can do it:(

  2. Deb, I loved this - I tried to sing with the music. The lyrics are beautiful. I love the Abba Father part. So blessed you are that He has given you this gift - to intercede. I probably shared before that I hope to learn guitar. I'm such a worship warrior!

    Thanks again for sharing your gift.

  3. oh lovely. so beautiful. may Lord bless you Deb.

  4. I am doing ministry work among the infidels, idolaters, poor and the people unknown and unheard of God Jesus. I have only a thatched Roof hut and rent site. Under its shelter i am doing all activities and works. I want to buy open sites for orphanage and church, trainee block and prayer hall. I want to construct cement built in church in its own place at present. So i kindly request to put these outstanding needs of ministry in your honest prayers to God.
    In our country idol worship is widely and inventively spreading out. People are not at all trying to find out or to know the one real God. They are going crazily towards the attractions of the dark side of the world and fully getting involved into vice and nuisances of life. My heart is really agonising upon this miserable scenarios. Our God is God of eternal life, go of Israel is source of life. ( Heb 2:10,1 timothy 2:3,Isaiah 54:5,Daniel 6:26,1 timothy 3:1)
    The Lord of the hosts his power can consume of the Fire. We shall not over look such a great anticipation. My heart’s desire is to distribute his love, the greatest love of god to all people in India.
    Kindly pray for our ministry work here and give me your kindly reply.
    Awaiting. Remaining in prayers for you.
    Yours In His Service.


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