Where The River Leads

©Deborah Bolack 2001
Pianist Bethany Isaac
Soloist Emerald Stanley

Each of us is beckoned by God’s awesome drawing power
That pulls us like the current of swiftly flowing water.
We may safely follow where the river leads,
if we will wade out deep, and rest in the surging stream.

But those who fight the current get pulled in the undertow,
and they are lost forever in the murky depth below.
Some firmly cling to branches, resisting the river’s sway,
drifting to an inlet, entrapped in the miry clay.
Many others struggle so entangled with the weeds,
they never know the peace of following where the river leads.

Those who find the rhythm of the mighty river’s flow
must then fully surrender the direction they will go.
Sometimes the flow is gentle, just guiding the weary on,
leading them through the water with a hand that’s sure and strong.
Though many ride the rapids until still waters they will seek,
they’ll one day know the peace of following where the river leads.

Each of us is beckoned by God’s awesome drawing power
That pulls us like the current of swiftly flowing water.
We may safely follow where the river leads,
if we will wade out deep, and rest in the surging stream.

While some will go their own way and refuse the one who saves,
still others seek a Saviour who will calm the raging waves.
Oh, heed the rushing waters, and give to the Lord control.
Reach out for the lifeline; he will anchor your soul.
There you will find a haven to supply your every need.
Forever know the peace of following where the river leads.

Each of us is beckoned by God's awesome drawing power.

Most of this song was written over a three day period, but over the years I’ve made a few changes to both the words and the music. It’s not the best song I’ve ever written, but it probably has the most interesting story behind it.
I had been writing songs for about six years, and had come to a point where I was wondering why I kept writing. I was feeling that maybe it was a waste of time. After all, no one seemed to be interested in singing my songs. Then one afternoon I was lying on the couch in our family room, not quite asleep, but not fully awake either. I saw a picture in my mind of my family at different points along a river. Some were struggling against the current, grabbing branches along the river bank, and some were caught up in the weeds. Suddenly I was wide awake, looking for a pen and paper. The scene was so clear that I had to put it into words.
I knew that day that I would keep on writing even if no one besides God ever heard my songs. The truth is, I can’t NOT write! When I come across a scripture that jumps out at me, or I hear a message preached that touches my heart, I know that it’s only a matter of time before it comes out in a song.
About a year after I had written, “Where The River Leads,” I realized that this song wasn’t just about my family, it was for me. I was the one who had been struggling against the current. It wasn’t until I followed where the river leads that I understood why God had put that song on my heart.

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

Psalm 37:7a Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him

1 comment:

  1. "The truth is, I can’t NOT write!" So true!!
    Jeremiah 20:9 Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.
    When we are walking with the Lord and meditating upon His Word, the words eventually burst forth in praise to glorify Him.
    By the way, this is a nice song too. Play on words here - the message is truly deep, especially the last stanza. Words to live by!


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