It's A Beautiful Day, Psalm 118:24

I'm soaking up the Son's rays

©2012Deborah Bolack

This day's too short to waste a minute.
Gotta get in the game and live life to the limit.
Won't get sidelined by circumstance;
I'm trusting God to work his plan.

'Cause it's a beautiful day; I'm soaking up the Son's rays,
basking in God's grace and his love.
He took away all my doubts, brushed aside all my clouds;
set my feet on higher ground.
Yes, it's a beautiful day.

Each day's a gift the Lord has given.
Gonna run in life's race and give my all 'till I finish.
When times get tough I'll stay on track,
following Christ, I won't turn back.

'Cause it's a beautiful day; I'm soaking up the Son's rays,
basking in God's grace and his love.
He took away all my doubts, brushed aside all my clouds;
set my feet on higher ground.
Yes, it's a beautiful day.

I'll take time to work, and take time to play;
share God's word and praise his name.
I finally see how things were meant to be.
Can't you see it's a beautiful day!

It's a beautiful day; I'm soaking up the Son's rays,
basking in God's grace and his love.
Yes, it's a beautiful day, beautiful day,
beautiful day.

Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

This song was written for the movie, Apollos Watered.


  1. Love the words and tune, I even sang along to it. Blessings, Jean

  2. Thanks Jean! Glad you enjoyed it!


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