Make Things Right

©Deborah Bolack 2000
(stop at end of song)

So many times I stumble over hurt and wounded pride.
So many times I fail to look to Jesus as my guide.
I take my eyes off him, and dwell on each small slight,
forgetting that forgiveness is the way to make things right.
Lord, help me let go the hurt, and put bitterness aside.
Renew a right spirit within me; let joy and peace abide.
Give me a tender heart, and teach me to forgive.
Lord, help me make things right, each and every day I live.
So many times I'm humbled by such mercy shown to me.
So many times I fail to see the way your eyes would see.
I'll set my eyes on you, and dwell within your light.
Forgiving and forgetting are the way to make things right.
Lord, help me let go the hurt, and put bitterness aside.
Renew a right spirit within me; let joy and peace abide.
Give me a tender heart, and teach me to forgive.
Lord, help me make things right, each and every day I live.

Help me make things right.

1 comment:

  1. A simple, practical song - yet how much of our lives would be changed if we applied the Biblical principles behind it!

    Thanks for posting it today.


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