The Gift My Father Sent

The reason for the season
The reason for the season,
the light that shines so bright,
the only gift worth receiving
can still be yours tonight.

©Deborah Bolack
Arrangement & Piano Apryl (Penner) Jennings
Grafted In

Among brightly coloured parcels,
under ornaments and lights,
there lies hidden one more gift,
forgotten and pushed aside.
A crumpled package, plainly wrapped,
bears your name stamped in red.
The precious gift my Father sent
is there for you to accept.
On the day named for our Saviour,
and his birth one starlit night,
Jesus stands outside the door,
forgotten and pushed aside.
You failed to hear him softly knock
as carolers passed your way.
You missed the gift my Father sent,
too busy with your own day.
The reason for the season,
the light that shines so bright,
the only gift worth receiving
can still be yours tonight.
Won't you reach out for the Saviour,
and eternal life in him?
He gave all to buy your gift;
exchanged his life for your sin.
Now listen, hear him call your name.
Don't let him pass you by.
(Accept the gift my father sent,
and open your heart tonight.)
The reason for the season,
the light that shines so bright,
the only gift worth receiving
can still be yours tonight.
Reach out and take the gift my Father sent!

John 1:5 And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thank you for visiting Lyric Devotions. A free pdf of the sheet music is available for most songs. Requests can be made through the contact form on the sidebar. 



  1. The message in this song is wonderful. I will have to use it at the Gospel Mission when it gets closer to Christmas. People need to think about the Why of Christmas. The reason for the season is Jesus - He was born so He could one day die and redeem us. Praise the Lord for our salvation.

  2. I'm curious, do you write all the songs that you put on this site? If so, great job!

  3. Rosanna, Yes, I write all of the songs on here. There are a couple that I have collaborated on...I wrote the music for someone's lyrics. Thank you! One day, I'd like to get recordings of all of least piano/instrumental....makes it hard when I don't play an instrument, and the best I can do is plunk out the melody I hear in my head!


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