It Came To Pass

©Deborah Bolack 2004
(ignore glitch at end)

In time all things will come to pass.
Trials and valleys, they won’t last.
Though they may seem too hard to bear,
just take heart, the Lord is there.
He tells us of the saints of old.
Oh, such stories have been told,
and each time we hear the words,
“It came to pass.”

He was in the fiery furnace;
he was with them through the flood.
He was on the road to Emmaus.
Yes, he’s with each child of God.
Whether trudging through a valley,
or climbing a rocky path,
we’ll look back one day, and say,
“It came to pass.”

When time comes to an end at last;
trials and valleys in the past,
then we'll dwell in that land so fair,
with our Lord forever there.
and we’ll meet all those saints of old.
Oh, the stories we’ll be told,
and each time we’ll hear the words,
“It came to pass.”

He was in the fiery furnace;
he was with them through the flood.
He was on the road to Emmaus.
Yes, he’s with each child of God.
Whether trudging through a valley,
or climbing a rocky path,
we’ll look back one day, and say,
“It came to pass.”

Trials and valleys came to pass.

Sometimes we feel like we are the only ones who have gone through these trials and valleys as we’re traveling down this path, but all we need do is look to the word of God to see that the road we are on is very well traveled, and many saints have gone on before us. We can take heart in the words, “It came to pass.”

Ephesians 1:10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him.
1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. It came to pass is so true. Sometimes we feel like what we are going through will never pass but it will.


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