Every Good And Perfect Gift, James 1:17

©Deborah Bolack 2000
Pianist Apryl (Penner) Jennings
Soloist Chantelle Penner
When I seek out the will of God, and knock upon a door,
I know that I can trust my Lord, whose throne I bow before.
Every good and perfect gift is from my Father;
giver of life, mercy and grace.
He is unchanging, the same forever;
worthy of glory, honour, and praise.
When I make known my heart’s desires, and lift them to the Lord,
I put my faith in him alone; he’ll answer by his word.
Every good and perfect gift is from my Father;
giver of life, mercy and grace.
He is unchanging, the same forever;
worthy of glory, honour, and praise.
When I cry out to God above, and weep for souls still lost,
I trust in his convicting power to lead them to the cross.
Every good and perfect gift is from my Father;
giver of life, mercy and grace.
He is unchanging, the same forever;
worthy of glory, honour, and praise.
Give God the glory, honor and praise.

This is another song that is not based on a message or any particular experience, but rather a combination of many thoughts and experiences. James 1:17 also happens to be one of those verses that asks to be made into a song!
I may not always see how the circumstances of my life can be ‘good gifts,’ but I can go to my Lord, knowing that I can trust his will for my life and for those I love. The Lord who saved me has not changed. He is still merciful and gracious, and he sees the beginning and the end. I can trust him to work out all the details of molding my life to conform to his plan. Whether I’m asking him to open a particular door, or to give me something I desire, or even to save a lost loved one, I have to go to him knowing that no matter how much I may think I know how he should answer or when he should answer, he alone knows what is good and perfect. He alone is worthy of glory, honour, and praise.
I’ve seen God do amazing things in my family and in my own life. He has blessed us even though we don’t deserve anything, and he guides us even when we take wrong turns and long detours. He keeps showing me that he has a purpose in everything he brings me through, and if I allow him to be Lord of my life, he can take any circumstance and use it for his glory. Sometimes it takes years before God’s purpose becomes clear, and I’m able to look back and thank him for something that I really didn’t understand at the time that I was going through it. When God closed the door to us having more children through birth, I had no idea that it was to open the door to fostering and adoption. Since then, he has blessed us with many children, and over the years he has given many opportunities to share the gospel with them and with their families, as well as social workers and other foster moms.
I just have to look at my three youngest boys to be thankful that God doesn’t always allow us to do things the way we would have planned. Each of them came to us in God’s way, and in God’s time, and I can’t imagine our lives without them. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord!

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

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